Kim is incredibly good at a very difficult job. Her coworkers and bosses at AT&T recognize it and heap praise upon her when they can. Strangely, those around her often totally miss how difficult her job is and what it requires.
Firstly, she is amazingly consistent and responsible. She is worth her weight in gold to AT&T as being trustworthy as their representative.
Her job entails dealing with customers who have placed very expensive orders, but also salesmen with sometimes twisted, self centered perspectives, and technicians who often have weak social skills but require the specs that Kim must supply. On top of that, she must deal with managers from each element of the project, some of these have unknown skill levels when it comes to dealing with people and/or the technical project itself. Often there is much money in play, so nerves are often frayed before Kim ever makes first contact.
Then the bulk of the work entails the gathering of information and crafting it into database format in a form usable by all these unique types of workers. This she handles in such an efficient, perfectly coordinated manner. She is head and shoulders above her peers. This means that her manager often uses Kim for the most difficult assignments.
The most staggering thing to me is how Kim handles people. At first I noticed how she never fails to quickly calm the most irate people. Someone who starts with snarling, blistering anger over some issue or another, turns into a mewing pussycat and the conversation ends in laughter and friendliness. Lately, I am realizing that she calms the waters before they ever become turbulent. She is remarkable. It is a skill that is born of natural talent and polished by much experience.
She is teaching me to listen.
I am addicted to the growth she brings to my life.
Anyone who knows me, knows she has taken on a rather large task. Thank God she cares. I am blessed each and every day to be close to her. Bless her.
Love someone well today,
Drip, Drip, Drip
*Ping, ding, thwatt, splatt, knock, smack, attacked, duck, run, find cover.
*Found*. Kick, pound, smack again and again, pull, scratch, thrown over
there ...