So far, I have had two encounters with snakes. For some reason, neither time caused the slightest emotional reaction (like fear, for example). The first was inside an abandoned pool liner that I was wrestling across the yard. A reminder to city folks, when I say yard I mean the size of an major campground, complete with wilderness and not being able to see the entire perimeter from any where.
Anyway, that snake was in the folds. I looked at it, it looked at me. I finished moving the liner to where I wanted it and walked away. Later when I told Kim, she could not get her mind around me being so calm. Actually, I suspect that was around the same time she totally accepted that I was "different".
The second instance was fairly recently. As I walked out from the garage, I was fascinated by an excited bird who was flying and diving just a couple dozen feet in front of me. It was dive bombing and pecking the head of a fairly large and incredibly beautiful dark snake. The snake was slithering across the yard (towards me) as fast as his little belly could undulate.
My reaction was to get close to the snake to see it better, but when it saw me, it quickly changed course and headed out toward and into the woods. Sigh. It was over way too soon.
What hovers behind you making a noise stronger and louder than any mosquito; fly; bee; wasp; hornet; etc.?
I do not know, but it is now diving straight toward the back of my head!
ITS A HUMMINGBIRD- how absolutely breathtaking!
We see them every day. They live here. This, however, was the closest I have been. They are odd little creatures and wonderful to watch.
I did not know I had never seen a pig until I actually met one. At least it seems to me as if we met. We were at the county fair last week. They hold competitions and award ribbons. The first one I met was in its temporary pen in a big barn filled with the strange beings. They seem to talk and are quite aware of your presence. I met lots of them, they are all unique looking and have differing personalities.
When you pet them, you find that they are covered with stiff bristle. I guess it is this characteristic that prevents pigs from being house pets more often. Petting a dog is WAY more pleasant.
Love someone well today,