Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Idealism of youth and the generation wherein some never grew up. [the "peter pan" generation?]


An exercise of the mind to determine the best "possible" circumstances imaginable and set that as a goal.

Nice. But...

Let's assume you could create the ideal social community. Everyone works hard at the things they love best and there is the perfect mix of diversity of talents. Everyone feels personal fulfillment. You appreciate everyone else for what they provide to the whole. Everyone's needs are met and so much more. Life is sweet.


Along comes reality. It comes in the form of outsiders; those who exult in plundering and pillaging as a way of life. Those who never devote any time to building productive systems. Those who sleep, fight and play and consider those who plan how to sow and reap to be fools. The only thing of value in life is a sharper sword and a willingness to shed blood.

This is the reality of the history of mankind. It has ever been so.

To be continued ...

Love someone well today!


Sunday, August 29, 2010


Thinking of the past often causes a morose feeling of regret.

Thinking of the future can create expectations. Bad expectations buy unwarranted fear. Good expectations often clash with reality and can cause resentments and petty behavior is possible.

Believing that where you are right now is where you belong is far less stress producing. Focusing our massive, God given brain power on the now is an art form. It is a spiritual exercise that you make progress in.

Focusing on the now when combined with love creates wisdom, or rather wise action. The act of loving someone else, rather than solely one's self, is the only thing that brings pleasure, peace and contentment to your soul on a daily basis.

Like daily bread, giving love must be repeated often to maintain spiritual health and strength.

Love someone well today,


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Surrounded by Reality

So far, I have had two encounters with snakes. For some reason, neither time caused the slightest emotional reaction (like fear, for example). The first was inside an abandoned pool liner that I was wrestling across the yard. A reminder to city folks, when I say yard I mean the size of an major campground, complete with wilderness and not being able to see the entire perimeter from any where.

Anyway, that snake was in the folds. I looked at it, it looked at me. I finished moving the liner to where I wanted it and walked away. Later when I told Kim, she could not get her mind around me being so calm. Actually, I suspect that was around the same time she totally accepted that I was "different".

The second instance was fairly recently. As I walked out from the garage, I was fascinated by an excited bird who was flying and diving just a couple dozen feet in front of me. It was dive bombing and pecking the head of a fairly large and incredibly beautiful dark snake. The snake was slithering across the yard (towards me) as fast as his little belly could undulate.

My reaction was to get close to the snake to see it better, but when it saw me, it quickly changed course and headed out toward and into the woods. Sigh. It was over way too soon.

What hovers behind you making a noise stronger and louder than any mosquito; fly; bee; wasp; hornet; etc.?

I do not know, but it is now diving straight toward the back of my head!

ITS A HUMMINGBIRD- how absolutely breathtaking!

We see them every day. They live here. This, however, was the closest I have been. They are odd little creatures and wonderful to watch.

I did not know I had never seen a pig until I actually met one. At least it seems to me as if we met. We were at the county fair last week. They hold competitions and award ribbons. The first one I met was in its temporary pen in a big barn filled with the strange beings. They seem to talk and are quite aware of your presence. I met lots of them, they are all unique looking and have differing personalities.

When you pet them, you find that they are covered with stiff bristle. I guess it is this characteristic that prevents pigs from being house pets more often. Petting a dog is WAY more pleasant.

Love someone well today,


Monday, August 16, 2010

Just found out that my sister has died. She was fifteen years older than me. I have not seen her since the day my mom was buried. She came to 1327 Dyre afterward as the cemetery (Oakland) was very close to our house. I found out about her death through a Google search. There is an online obituary. Apparently she was collecting grandchildren. My oldest niece Kim had one child last I was aware. Now my nephew David and niece Lynn are married as well. There was a long list of grandchildren who I did not know about. Her husband, Tony De la Cruz and my sister were married for forty two years. Tony was a work horse, an excellent musician (saxophone) and loved poker and laughing. He has a big brain too.

My sober anniversary is here. Now eight years. I feel about eight years old these days. Thanks be to our Creator who blessed me with these wonderful chapters in my life story.

Today, I painted a bedroom ceiling, then took a dip in the pool.

The smell of dinner is filling the air (Mexican pizza and Enchiladas).

Love someone well today,


Sunday, August 15, 2010


Just now the clouds are leaving the area after giving us some much needed rain. The sun is shining brightly and illuminates the back end of the departing clouds. It is astoundingly beautiful!

It makes me realize that the view in the city was faulty and flawed. The sky itself is ever magnificent here as it is not filtered through various pollutants. The grass and even the weeds are so much greener too. Growth and life happen here in such abundance it is impossible to take it all in.

NOW, on top of all this wonderment, Kim has bought me a NetiPot. She believed since they worked for Tatiana, they would work for me too. After three days I am still being caught unaware that there is beauty in smells too. Did not know what I had been missing.

Love someone well today,


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Once upon a time, I was all about math. Somehow, I did not get a perfect score in math on my SATs. I really think there was a mistake made. By my junior year of high school I had already done well in Algebra; advanced Geometry; Algebra II; and Trigonometry. The next year I took advanced Calculus. By the end of the year, I scored in the ninety-fourth percentile in college level Calculus 102. I was seventeen.

I never went another step further. Too bad. The next level is Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics. It is only recently that I have become acquainted with these principles. While Einstein dealt with LARGE things, like the universe, for example, this discipline deals with the incredibly small- particles and such. It opens the door to the oddest/nearly spooky parts of the world.

Two examples. First, no matter how much heat you add to a black bowling ball, it will never glow red. This is unexplainable.(and Shane is definitely forbidden from trying it, btw)

Second, if a person firing a particle designed to randomly strike any of a limited number of points is told/believes that a certain individual firing WILL strike one distinct point, then it will/does. Notwithstanding the fact that the chances have not been altered. Yet the overall distribution percentage of the random hits will not change from what they should and always will be. (I know, I probably lost you all with that one) What this proves is that believing is seeing!!! What this can mean on a personal level is exciting.

I have said all of this for a whole different reason than you might expect.

Somehow, someway, sometime, my mind turned away from math and towards language arts; writing in particular. Nothing has ever giving me a greater sense of accomplishment. Within me exists not only the ability, (sometime great, sometime small) to express myself; but also a true need to offload the thoughts that ever swirl round and round my mind.

Sometimes, I actually write something- like right now. Once done, I get nervous. I want approval. Approval feels good, real good. But... there is also fear... of lack of approval, I guess.

This approval/fear ball of passion I have only experienced on a limited/personal level. I think of greater audiences and wonder how I would feel. I believe that one day I will find out. It is a random particle. Believing can be seeing!

Love someone well today,


Monday, June 14, 2010

As time goes by...

... it truly gets harder to post. It seems more imperative that I pour all the things that have transpired into one concise, perfect post/paragraph/sentence.

Of course, that is not doable, or at least without a vast amount of time and effort. So much time that I would fall further behind in keeping current.

I planted beans and they have grown plants.

Kim and I are having a lovely time, thank you.

I am in the process of installing a pool in the back yard.

The concept of God as a trinity makes much more sense to me.

I had a wonderful online chat with my impressive (to me) son Shane.

These are a few of my favorite things from the recent past.

Love someone well today!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kim is incredibly good at a very difficult job. Her coworkers and bosses at AT&T recognize it and heap praise upon her when they can. Strangely, those around her often totally miss how difficult her job is and what it requires.

Firstly, she is amazingly consistent and  responsible. She is worth her weight in gold to AT&T as being trustworthy as their representative.

Her job entails dealing with customers who have placed very expensive orders, but also salesmen with sometimes twisted, self centered perspectives, and technicians who often have weak social skills but require the specs that Kim must supply. On top of that, she must deal with managers from each element of the project, some of these have unknown skill levels when it comes to dealing with people and/or the technical project itself. Often there is much money in play, so nerves are often frayed before Kim ever makes first contact.

Then the bulk of the work entails the gathering of information and crafting it into database format in a form usable by all these unique types of workers. This she handles in such an efficient, perfectly coordinated manner. She is head and shoulders above her peers. This means that her manager often uses Kim for the most difficult assignments.

The most staggering thing to me is how Kim handles people. At first I noticed how she never fails to quickly calm the most irate people. Someone who starts with snarling, blistering anger over some issue or another, turns into a mewing pussycat and the conversation ends in laughter and friendliness. Lately, I am realizing that she calms the waters before they ever become turbulent. She is remarkable. It is a skill that is born of natural talent and polished by much experience.

She is teaching me to listen.

I am addicted to the growth she brings to my life.

Anyone who knows me, knows she has taken on a rather large task. Thank God she cares. I am blessed each and every day to be close to her. Bless her.

Love someone well today,


Saturday, April 24, 2010

When I was a small child, just old enough to play outside the house, I would sit on the ground and "play' with the dirt. Thing was, there was no dirt, just cement, asphalt, brick, stuff like that.

Now I find myself sitting on the ground and 'playing' with dirt for hours a day. Thing is, now it is soil, rocks, wood, stuff like that. I am soooooooo happy!

With gratitude to Kim, who along with God, has made this possible for me. She thinks I am strange, but then, who doesn't?

Love someone well today,


Thursday, April 22, 2010

I have radishes sprouting!

Yesterday was raining in the morning. The good news about that is I took the opportunity to turn the burn pile to ashes.

During the cold weather, I had all of the tools and paint supplies on the first floor. Most of it is now down the basement. Did a ton of laundry as well.

Was hesitant to blog as much of this is not very dramatic, 'cept the radish sprouts. Never having grown anything, it seems unreal to me. I sometimes just walk down to the garden to see them.

Today's plans include a lot of driving.

Love someone well today,


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yesterday was spent mainly getting prepared for trash day. Unlike Philadelphia, it is not just putting whatever out by the curbside. I use a wheel barrel normally. Plus, we pay for trash pick up. There is a company that has a contract with the state. The limit is six bags and they must be tagged. Being somewhat miserly, I try very hard to put out six bags every week.

So each week normally has a project associated with it. Yesterday's was taking apart a playhouse in the yard. It was built out of normal materials, wood and nails. It was sort of sad for it had a history and memories. It was interesting however to see first hand how nature has the ability to take back its own. There was sign of termites, for example. It was also being 'eaten' by plants, and wind and water. It is gone now, at least as a structure; though I could not burn the bulk of debris as there is a ban currently on outdoor fires. Sigh.

We watched The Bucket List. It was sad. The acting was outstanding.

Looking forward to getting lots done outside today. Need to take advantage of the weather as there is much to do that will be harder in the summer heat. We have four out buildings. A tool shed. A wood shed. The original barn and a really big barn. Both barns are designed to harbor large animals though we do not have any at present. The property is basically horse heaven. Lots and lots of pasture, and friendly people too!

Love someone well today,


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Good Morning!

On Saturday, I got to clean the house somewhat, but mostly rearranged the basement. We have a four to six room basement that is about two thousand sq. ft. How you count the rooms depends on whether you stick strictly to using walls to count.

There is lots of stuff that we plan to either flea market or sell on ebay. Progressing towards getting that organized enough to be viable.

We went to a meeting Saturday night. It was a speaker meeting and the gentleman hooked my empathy with his growing description of beginning to get physically and mentally ill from continuously being drunk.

But his being in that awful state went on and on and on and on. I literally began to feel ill. It made me grateful to God that I was saved from more than just a short period of that condition. I am truly blessed.

Sunday was church in the morning. We first go to Sunday school and unlike the original Bobby, I can hardly keep my mouth closed. It is a blessing to have confirmation from Kim that what I am sharing is relevant and helpful.

The service is, um, (if you cannot say something good, say nothing at all).

I have been using the Wii Fitness Plus fairly regularly. All month I have been close to my Wii Fit Age, from fifty one to fifty four years old. My last two read outs are thirty six and forty one! My center of balance has improved dramatically as has my 'skate boarding' ability.

It is blissfully cool out. This is great timing as there is much digging yet to do outdoors.

On a trivial note. The yellow Ford 1940ish truck that decorated the yard was hauled away by its owner yesterday. The one that is in many photos.

Love someone well today,


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Good Morning!

I am Bobby reporting from West Virginia, more specifically, the Greater Potomac Highlands.

Spring is breathtakingly beautiful here. The richness of the new tree foliage is so alive it reaches into your soul like a vibrating hum- the same feeling you get when you first taste a rich chocolate cake. Then, like frosting for the mind, there are the flowers that the shrubs and fruit trees are bearing now. They seem to hover in the air- what a vast variety of color and shapes!

I love spending time outdoors. For one thing, I never get bruises from bumping my head. I spent a good bit of time kneeling on the ground yesterday "playing" in the dirt. I am taking out a grove of lilacs that is too close to the house. Have to get them down below the root so they will not regrow.

Then I played with the dirt in the garden. We have already planted two types of lettuce; radishes; spinach; spring onions; beets and cucumbers. Since this is my first time, I feel not only like an expectant father, but one who has never been pregnant before.

Last night we went to Winchester Old Town; to an A. A. meeting. I had deep thought about the topic, which was anger. The reading emphasized how anger is a luxury that alcoholics cannot afford (as in the price is too high). I was willing and wanted to share my thought at the meeting. I tried to share it at the meeting. I did not get a chance to share it though. Too many other people had too much to say. Such is life. I suspect that God was in control of this.

Not getting to share made me a tad angry (irony). But that just lead to deeper thoughts, which I wrote down instead. Kim approved my written sharing as valid, so I am content.

This morning the first thing I did was pet the nearest dogs. It truly is a pleasant event and I cannot remember the last time I did not wake up this way.

The second thing I did was come up with the name for this blog. It has great significance.

Love someone well today, k?
