Monday, June 14, 2010

As time goes by...

... it truly gets harder to post. It seems more imperative that I pour all the things that have transpired into one concise, perfect post/paragraph/sentence.

Of course, that is not doable, or at least without a vast amount of time and effort. So much time that I would fall further behind in keeping current.

I planted beans and they have grown plants.

Kim and I are having a lovely time, thank you.

I am in the process of installing a pool in the back yard.

The concept of God as a trinity makes much more sense to me.

I had a wonderful online chat with my impressive (to me) son Shane.

These are a few of my favorite things from the recent past.

Love someone well today!



  1. Some of the things Bobby has been up to:

    He has a thriving vegetable garden that includes 2 types of lettuces, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, blueberries, spring onions, radishes, beans

    He's installed log siding on the basement bump out.

    He's helped me create flower gardens.

    He keeps the humongous yard mowed and weed wacked.

    He's been to an amusement park, swimming pool and swimming lake.

    He picked and enjoyed cherries from the cherry tree.

    He's organizing all the "stuff" around here in preparation for a yard sale.

    He drives Bethany to appts and other places she needs to go when they conflict with my working.

    He shops, cooks, cleans, does laundry & gathers trash in addition to everything else he has on his plate to do.

    He's invaluable and I appreciate and love him so very much!!

  2. The comment above was posted by Kim Shifflett. For some reason my laptop pulled Bobby's google instead of mine.

  3. "... it truly gets harder to post. It seems more imperative that I pour all the things that have transpired into one concise, perfect post/paragraph/sentence."

    .. paralysis by analysis.

  4. I enjoyed this post Dad. I enjoy the simple snapshots of your life, it is, in its own way concise, perfect writing.

    Some things I have been up to...

    The house is going on the market today.

    I have found allergy medicine that seems to work, but makes me really drowsy, even when I sleep 9-10 hours.

    I have been working 6 days a week, but I am cutting back for the summer. I was actually enjoying working 5 out of 6 of those days, and I often skipped the 6th.

    We are still looking for a place to live, but I am feeling much more excited about the future.

    Sarge started working this past week, he walks around the area of UPenn from 6pm-3am. He has also likely found a place to live.

    Sam is a happy dog.

    I love you.
