Then I Get on My Knees and pray... We Won't Be Fooled Again!
Okay... (sharpening metaphorical pencil)
Just now, politicians can no longer support SOPA because we have spoken loud and clear against it. (high five!)
[waits for cheering to quiet] However, money talks as they say and the creators and supporters of the bill have money. More importantly they still have desire. We must ask ourselves, what it truly is that they desire. "Piracy" was just a buzz word.
SOPA is also just a word representing a bill, a static event.
We can be absolutely certain that the powers that supported the creation of SOPA with money, time and cronyism in politics COULD CARE LESS THAT WE ROSE UP AND WERE HEARD!!!
They have not gone away beaten. They have not thrown up their hands in defeat!
PLEASE hear what I am saying. More importantly, understand it. May God grant me words that are true, understandable and motivating. I feel humbled by the importance of what is at stake.
There is zero chance that there is not a back up plan to SOPA. Only SOPA has been taken from them, not the will to accomplish their goal. If I were the enemy, I would begin passing smaller chunks of the same type of legislation, piece by piece. Time is on their side as they have one target, the Internet. They have only to destroy it once; there is no second chance for us.
THEY crave this destruction- they have politicians in their pockets already is evidenced by how close they almost came this time to not just stopping progress online; not just removing the value it has added to my life, your life and world; not just bringing unwanted destruction to what exists, BUT INSURING THAT OUR CHILDREN NEVER KNOW HOW GREAT THE INTERNET IS, CAN BE, ETC.
They crave darkness.
I do not know the details but am sure of this- their future intent is evil.
They need the sharing of knowledge and opinions to cease. Because of this the Internet is especially heinous to them. This is the place where knowledge is EASY to OBTAIN and VERIFY.
Knowledge being AVAILABLE TO ALL with no restriction is called FREEDOM! Such sharing is vital to a life of liberty and happiness. The Internet takes the pursuit of truth to levels that have never before in history been attainable. No one can control information while the internet exist as the ultimate trump card.
"Piracy"??? It is to laugh. They tried to hoist that flag. The trade off was stopping piracy by KILLING THE MEDIUM OF TRUTH. Even those who have been harmed by piracy did not salute.
Not exactly equal. Hence it is evident that lessening piracy was not the true goal. Beside which stopping piracy with legislation is akin to Prohibition or the War on Drugs- Failure on steroids- Pandora's box being opened.
Which leads one to speculate what is the real intent??? (note that I did not say 'was') This must be clearly understood for us to win. I honestly do not understand and that is dangerous weapon they still own. I do not even quite know who 'they' are. Shame on me, shame on us, look what nearly resulted. Remember that the game has just begun.
High fives are appropriate just now. Politicians are distancing themselves from this legislation and that is a positive occurrence.
Let each resounding smacking of flesh (the high fives, not the movie), be a reminder that one battle does not win a war.
That said, it is comforting to know that we still have the Internet available in all it raw and powerful beauty to use to fight this fight together!
God Bless.
Love someone well today!
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