Friday, December 16, 2011

Fly with the Eagles

Not the football team. Though they are the only sports team I care about.

The eagles in the sky. Onwards and Upwards. Perspective from above the mountain top. We can and we should have and use this ability. I suppose you could simply call it faith.

Faith that can move mountains. Faith that can remove obstacles and fling them into the sea. I believe in this with all my heart and soul and mind. Sure I get worried, but not for long. I suffer waiting for the inevitable move by God that is ever and always a blessed surprise.

Better than any Christ mas gift. That should not offend any gift giver. Those are super duper too, just can never be at the level of knowing Our Father is our Sheppard and He carries a REALLY BIG STICK.

Early bright blessings for a wonderful Christ mas.

Love someone well today,


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Up Early

Today I am up early for the first time in a long time.

I have been through a lot lately. Stopped taking Seroquel, for example. Was using a quarter of a quarter of a dose to facilitate sleep. The first couple nights my mind was racing.

For months I was using nicotine patches, quitting smoking was a failure this time around.

Have been highly emotional, mainly tears. Tears are good, they wash away the old and help you see the future.

When it comes, that is.

My PA driver's license is due to expire soon. Need a replacement for my SS card too.

I received a fifty dollar holiday bonus from my job. What is weird is that I hardly made more than that.

"How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" Still do not know the answer. Will let you know as soon as I puzzle it out.

Thanks for playing.
