Friday, June 22, 2012

wud? whaa? what???

 I woke up little by little sometime just before four this morning.

I think I was dreaming I was in the barn and was afraid of a barn swallow. I was asking myself, "why are you feeling fear, it is just a barn swallow?"

as seconds went by I realized I was now awake listening to an odd sound

... I realized it was here in my room

... I realized it was loud and HAD to be wings flapping, definitely not an insect

... I began to be able to track the sound in the dark, it was traveling across the room in a blink, sometimes hitting the wall, but mostly not. When it got close to the wall the wing speed picked up. I could not remember a bird being able to avoid walls, particularly in a pitch black room.


  1. Started re-reading some of your blogs today. Don't know why, doesn't matter. What does matter is that you stopped writing 5 years ago and never started again. Do you know why? I miss your blogs.
