Sunday, March 20, 2011


The pen is mightier than the sword.

Woke up this mornin', and I wrote down this ...



I am determined to have the entire first floor "ready" by April 15th. It is going to be a near thing. There is no particular consequence of going over schedule. However, I (being me) feel as if ...

Yeah, that's another thing. I am an aspie, always have been. It is not just the latest obsession, a beetle-butt brained, hypochondriac fad. It is true.

So be it. Knowing has helped tremendously. That's part of why I am sure about it. Too many proofs from the past to list. Especially the distant past.


Woke up this morning. God bless us one and all.

Thought that the dead line was for getting to go outside and play. This place, both WV and Kim's ranch are SOOOO much fun out there.

But, there is another issue. Here is the dialog between me and me as I awoke. It was vivid enough to get me up early today.

"How will you be remembered?" sez me.

"Um, for cleaning under floors and behind walls???", me sez.

"HA HAHAHA!", sez me.

"You need to write"

"But... butt..."

"No, you need to write!"

So be it.

But not until after April 15.

Love someone well today,


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