Thursday, March 31, 2011

A State of War...

... now exists between me and our kitchen!

The self imposed deadline for completion was March 25. This was because the wallpaper for the bathroom was due on Monday the 28th. That Friday was when the kitchen would be fully cleaned and the mess would be gone. Instead... a week later, the mess has grown to monstrous proportions. Sorry Kim! Can someone say, "obstacle coffee making"? I knew you could.

Delays; unexpected plumbing projects; three trips to Lowes, two for screws; etc. and the days just seem to fly off the calendar in spite of working long hours every, single day. There is also, of course, costs overruns (Sorry Kim!).

Yesterday, on my daily screw run, I stopped at Lowes service desk to ask about our late arriving wallpaper. It is late because it is back ordered. It will be weeks before we see it.

And today there will be yet another unplanned delay as I drive to Martinsburg to pick up the flooring that is a month EARLY.

How is it that we humans consistently are so optimistic in our plans and expectations?

I can remember fully believing in the deadline. Truly. Yet looking back now, it seems as if that belief was a special category of insanity.

Does this insanity have a name?

I hate leaving the task of naming it to y'all, but I have screws calling me from the kitchen.

Love someone well today!


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