Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Sometime in my lifetime the tipping point came. Advertising aligned with marketing and 'normal' life became a barrage of lures trying to get me to buy stuff. In this new world one has two choices: one can give in and always be in a state of wanting more, or one can resist and be in a constant state of feeling under attack.

In the midst of living through this, once in a great while there comes along products that are keepers.

One such is the NetiPot. My daughter and I share many physical traits. When she was young, she had breathing problems. When I was young I had breathing problems. She saw an allergist and got treatment. Since I never had, I applied what we learned about her to myself as I reflected on my past. It fit well. I had had the same issues with the same physical causes.

I saw an xray of her nose. Her septum runs in a crooked line. One result of this is a syndrome called post nasal drip. In layman's terms, the pipes get clogged easily and cause backups. Backups cause pressure and annoying feelings up in the sinuses. I have always suffered from this too.

So when my daughter, now an adult, posted that she was told to try nasal irrigation, I did too.

I purchased a NetiPot. It came with a little booklet explaining that for thousands of years, some places in the world have used nasal irrigation daily. Just as we have tooth brushes, they have always had NetiPots.

Think of it as a mini tea pot with a bulb at the end of the spout. There are also tiny packages of stuff you dissolve in the hot water. It makes everything smell like the beach afterward, so it must be salty.

The idea of pouring water into your nose seems unpleasant, before you do it. Actually, it is wonderful. Better yet, it works. For me, it unclogs the pipes. I am not aware of these clogs before I irrigate, but so glad that they are gone. For the first time in my life, my sinuses function correctly during the day. My sense of smell improves dramatically. The uneven pressures inside my sinuses are gone. I has allowed me to experience a different and better state of being.

So, that is one recent discovery. Funny though. I must have missed the commercials for this product.

Another device that has improved my life is the nail brush.

This one came as a Christmas present from Kim. She did not know I wanted one.

I was listening to the John Tesh radio show. If you do not know who John Tesh is, I cannot help you, other than to say he suddenly showed up in the car and says strange things all the time. He is a DJ, he mainly plays records (does one even say "plays records" anymore?). Then he rambles on about different stuff that will make your life better (never heard anything about the NetiPot, but then I may hear less than one percent of his broadcasts)

Anyway, one part of one show one day that I did hear was about our fingernails. They are dirty by nature. Under the nails is particularly dirty because it retains debris. Stuff gets stuck under there and washing your hands does not help get it out.

Some people do not have this dilemma. The area under their fingernails is very clean. This is because they bite their nails! WAIT! Do not start biting them, it is a highly addictive behavior. Weaning yourself off of this behavior will take months of dedicated discipline.

Biting your nails is not recommended.

There is damage done... and pain.

Worse yet, biting your nails causes all manner of other problems. In short, it makes you sick, literally. Primarily, it causes sneezing and sniffling, including colds and even the flu. It can cause stomach problems, up to and including diarrhea or constipation.

Not good.

So. Do we have to live with whole colonies of germs and such under our fingernails?

No, we do not.

On Christmas morning, I got all excited after opening one of my presents. I looked at Kim because I assumed she would be puzzled. It was a grooming kit for nails. Nail clippers being the featured items. But included in the various other odd items was...


I use it every day.

Working with my hands as I do, I use it multiple times a day. It has never hurt me.

Many times, after washing my hands, I can actually see dirt under my nails. But no more, I have this amazingly wonderful product that quickly and easily eliminates dirt from under my nails.

Funny, I must have missed the commercials for this product too.



PS- Thank you Kim for being willing to 'heal' these posts from my mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I love you
    2. I just discovered I can feed your fish. How entertaining!
