Sunday, April 24, 2011

Why Did You Go?

Jesus said, "It is good for you if I go, for I will send the Spirit of Truth and He will teach you all things".


It is true. If Jesus were still on the earth, what are the odds that I would even get to see Him today? The physical limits could be solved by something like a broadcast, but would that satisfy? All my favorite musicians are those whom I was in the same room with. People you have never heard of such as Chris Leggerie,  Joey DeVito, and Monteo Myers. There is so much difference being with someone as opposed to a photo or recording. A broadcast is just a live recording, no?

It is true. There is not one thing I have wanted to learn that I was not taught. I am greedy. I want to know so much about everything.

That the Spirit is everywhere and ever available to teach the willing has made my life so much more beautiful. Simply being willing to learn beats student loans by miles.

Of course, there is no degree at the end. At Spirit University there is no 'end'. There is the down side of not having that sheepskin to show a potential employer, but the upside is that I can climb ever onward and upward. The world holds too many mysteries to ever stop, so why would I?

Once Jesus rose from the dead, he spent some forty days meeting with a chosen few (later, He would appear to Paul which Paul called "being born out of time"). Fully God, fully man, Jesus had conquered the last enemy, death. His followers who witnessed his being alive were changed forever and passed that changed state of believing down through our age.

Jesus was seen to ascend into clouds of judgment. There came a change in the world upon His second coming. The Chosen People became those who believed in Him with the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D.

This is why we learn- to become more productive. The power of believing in Christ taps into the power of the Spirit and the power of Almighty God. There is no limit to what we can do unless we try to appropriate power for selfish reasons.

How hard is that?

Unfortunately, many do seek power to build their own kingdom.

This causes pain.

There is so much love that goes ungenerated. This is not a word. But looky here what spell check suggested. Sometimes you learn things from unexpected places and at unexpected times!


not renewed in heart and mind; not reborn in spirit; unrepentant; refusing to believe; skeptical; unconvinced; unconverted; unreconstructed; stubborn; obstinate; not reformed; wicked; profligate; dissolute


to fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities; deteriorate
to diminish in quality

I stole the definitions from and edited them into a summary form. We each know people who fit these descriptions. I was one of these. There is hope for change. All it takes is a miracle.

If we flip these words to their opposite, we get this. To rise above physically, mentally and morally, we must be reborn in spirit, renewed in heart and mind by believing.

That is so nice I will type it twice.

To rise above physically, mentally and morally, we must be reborn in spirit, renewed in heart and mind by believing.

Jesus rose from the dead, that is why this is possible.

Be thankful, fully grateful. Give praise to God, who is love.

Happy Easter!

Love someone well today,


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