Saturday, April 2, 2011

Choose the Form of Your Destructor!


In the movie, Dan Aykroyd choose the Stay Puffed marshmallow man.

Life is not so comical.

Addictions come in all flavors. Addition can be defined as "loving" anything that hurts others. This thing comes first in the heart of the addict. Love is in quotes because, while it communicates the correct idea; addictions are actually driven by the polar opposite emotion, fear. More to the point fear of not being God (original sin).

Outside of alcohol and drugs, examples like sex, money and food are fairly well known, but the list is as vast and varied as humankind itself. The addition does take a form, but at its core, all forms are destructors. They are destructive of LOVE!

Also, it is my opinion that we do not choose at all. Each of us has strengths and weaknesses. We are born this way or that way. We each are hard wired to fall into favored sin as well. We do not choose the form of our destructor, we are born with a certain form.

Within each form or category, groups of people gravitate towards one another to comfort each another. This enables us to carry on by lessening any annoying guilt.

This is our theme: "my sin is not as bad as their sin".

Well, of course not. (Sarcasm)

The Bible declares that "whoever is guilty of one sin, is guilty of all" for a very good reason. Any sin is the destruction of love. Therefore, any sin, by destroying love, is equally bad in spiritual reality.

Yet, it is common to witness defense of addictions. Defending one's addiction can only be accomplished by putting other groups beneath us. Hence, we use denial, justification, rationalization, etc. to explain that everything is just fine. Meanwhile, those of our particular group say amen. Those "other people" just do not understand.

People are type caste. Just like some are tall, some are greedy. Just like some are born blind, some are born murderous. Just like some have brown hair, some are lustful.

Thank God. Sort of.

At least everyone does not have every type of sin built into themselves. What a wonderful world THAT would be. At least there is some negativity broadcast about each sin, albeit from those who suffer from something different.

So the lustful think they are better than the greedy, and the greedy proclaim themselves better than the murderous, and the murderous believe the lustful are the scum of the earth, etc.- around in a chaotic circle of self appeasement. At least one is part of a group that is not as bad as THAT group!

Meanwhile, the true problem lies untouched and invisible. Love is destroyed. At least, this is the normal course of lives everywhere. Some stories seem more dramatic on the surface, but anywhere and anytime love is destroyed there is extreme tragedy.




... it CAN happen (on rare occasion admittedly), that this pattern is broken.

All It takes is a miracle. But miracles can and do happen. The alcoholic gets and stays sober, so to speak.

The "destructor" can be vanquished and love, like living water, can flow. It can. Yes, it can.

Can i get an Amen?



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