Monday, April 4, 2011

My Belly Says, "Feed Me".

Most of us have experienced absolute distress. Something we needed to live was in short supply. For example, nearly drowning, the experience of being denied air.

Air is possibly the thing we need the most often. Breathing cannot stop for very long. Our need for water is very short term as well. We need to replenish more often than we think before the negative consequences begin. There is also the need for heat or warmth. Rarely thought about, lack of warmth or too much heat can stress a body quickly.

In this light, food actually is down the list a bit. We can go pretty far without serious damage.

Yet, of all these necessities, food is the one we are seeming ever aware of. We seem to have an strong emotional attachment far beyond its necessity. We "love" food.

There is no major emotion attached to normal breathing. Other than becoming aware of smells either fair or foul, breathing is taken for granted. There is no participation by us unless we choose to hold our breath or hyperventilate. We are in favor of breathing, but rarely vote with our heart.

Warmth can be comfortable. When it is not comfortable, if slightly cold or hot, we attempt (and mainly succeed) in correcting the minor flaw. If it is cold out, we put on a coat. We take for granted that there is a house to protect us, sometimes air conditioned. We are insulated from cold or hot that can maim or kill, so we are not frequently aware of the threat. We like warmth. But not to an orgasmic extent.

Food though...

O, it can be SO PLEASING.

Why did God make this so?

Food has been used by God for so many metaphors it makes the mind numb.

Some random examples.

"If you don't work, you don't eat..."

[side comment: It is my firm opinion that this is NOT a hammer to beat others with. It is a metaphor meant to be clear from life. Food does not just happen.]

Be careful who you share your table with.

Do not take food from superiors, you will be sorry later.

Jesus broke the loaves and fishes.

The last supper is a sacrament.

That which goes into the body is not unclean for it is eliminated, that which comes out of the body (speech)  can be unclean.

Then, when you include all the metaphors taken from farming and animal husbandry and hunting (consumables), the list grows to nearly encompass all spirituality. The Bible is nearly all about FOOD.


Eating is important. Eating can be fun.

Do it!

Love someone well today.


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