Friday, April 8, 2011


We are all going to die!

This should not be news, someday each of us, according to historical precedent, are going to fail to function as viable human life forms.

I have been battling a pain in my stomach for a few months. Being a male, this is in turns, (a) ignored (b) means that I am dying. Basically, it really means, "Mom, my belly hurts!"

The Bible declares that death is an enemy. I think we can all say amen to that. What happens after death is strangely vague and subject to interpretation. Because it is such a personal and dramatic issue, interpretations exist in abundance. There are nearly as many flavors as people. There are those who lead and those who follow vast movements, some within the church, some without, and a huge category for other religions with belief systems such as reincarnation.

Very few deny that there is what we term a soul. I was once one of those. I was a follower of the public school system's teaching that we are naught but animals and death meant the beginning of decay. I look back and understand that I was just a parrot for what I was being taught. Somehow, science, which was founded on the search for better understanding of God, His world and our place in it, became sterile. To be an intellectual was to insist on "proof". Sad really.

Back to my achy belly. My latest favorite interpretation is that Kim's first reaction was correct; it is an ulcer. You see, I will not go to a doctor. Not that I have never been. Actually, I like talking to doctors in general. They are smart and sometimes have impressive knowledge. Problem is, they are OUT THERE and I normally choose to STAY HERE, so it is rare that we meet.

Plus, everything that ever was wrong with me was only because a doctor said so. Otherwise it would not have existed, right? There was a period in my life when I had yearly physicals. First I was extremely healthy. Years later I had warning signs. Years later the pills started. I follow the high blood pressure; hypoglycemic; diabetic model. Really what was wrong was the alcohol consumption. Once sober I was tested again and EVERYTHING was fine. Moderate drinkers are not helped BY the alcohol. It is the fact that they are not alcoholics and that means not diabetic, etc.

I consumed alcohol like air, not moderately. But it was like a allergy sufferer inhaling pollen continuously.

So death will come. And I am rambling.

One important note. The Bible does not support the absurd theory of a rapture. I once believed in that too.

The Bible actually says "world without end".

I cannot stop myself from saying more on this. Looking back I see the destruction caused by the "Christian" belief that we are in the end times. When bad things happened in the world, we cheered. Politically, we rooted and voted for the wrong choices. We made decision based on the fact that the real world matter little. Now that I know better...

I will stop ranting. If you actually WANT the limitless details of this particular rant let me know.

I guess I am not dying, at least not today. After all the goal is 120 years old and in great health. However it is an unfortunate fact that behaviors have consequences. I have eaten lots of Oreo cookies, for example.

In the interest of rambling further, did you know that when trans fats were developed, Oreo cookies were the first marketed result. At least I have not eaten too many Twinkies!

Actually, when I reflect on this long unfocused post, it starts to make sense. Remember when I wrote that there are many interpretations on the after death theme? Well I left out the most important and most used thought we ALL have. It does not have a name though. I will call it, WiggleSquirmLeaveMeAlone, I do not want to think about this, AT ALL.

Love someone well today!!!

(after all, we are not promised tomorrow)


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