Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This be me?

Once upon a time...

I had Google AdSense on my first full blog. I managed to earn over three dollars. This money is still sitting there as you cannot get paid until you reach forty dollars.

Back then you needed to copy code into the HTML template, now there are widgets and widgets let you just click on a image placed within a visual diagram of your template. Stop yawning!

Google being analytical to the core, the ads automatically 'read' your blog site and choose ads that target your audience. It is marketing research at the speed of electricity.

Having clicked the widget to install an ad in hopes of finally getting to forty dollars, it was with great anticipation that I loaded my blog site to see what Google choose based on Baby Beetle Butts.

And the winner is...

Quantum Jumping! Wherein you learn to deliberately visit yourself in alternate universes to gain skills and such that you do not presently possess.


Do I hear laughter?

After all, this phenomenon might help explain how I am in WV, no?

I am picking at reading some of the free information. So far I have not had to angrily look away from it because a some heretical belief that Jesus Christ was a magician.

I will let you know more when I get back, k?

LOVE someone well today,


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